Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Don´t use translated,net


I am the owner of an Icelandic publishing house that used the services of for a book I was creating.

To make a long story short I had them translate two texts. From English to French and from English to German.

The French version was described as being "a joke" and "not possibly translated by a human person".

Also the translation was four days late and I got nothing but excuses and bad manners by the company.

Please use some of the other translators that are on the Internet, I will not recommend those I have used since with good results so it will not look like I am advertising them and slandering my competitor or something in that direction.

My only reason for writing this is that I would not wish my worst enemy having to deal with this companies poor work and rude manner. Okey, maybe my worst enemy but not other´s.

Please don´t use for you will probably loose money and time. This was at least my experience.

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